Monday, November 18, 2013

Intros To Inked: Jennifer

*Waves from behind computer screen while sipping tea*

Why hello there. Welcome to the complete madness that is writers blogging. Because sharing our madness with the world is quite important.

I'm Jennifer, though I prefer to be called Jen, a twenty something girl who if all goes well will finish her schooling by working in a library as a library technician with a bachelor's in English.

But let us move on to better things. Let's see...I seem to be a masochist because I enjoy falling in love with fictional characters who continue to break my heart. I'm an optimistic type who curses too much, though I've been taking to saying "fudge sticks" lately. I like to insert random French words into my conversations sometimes because French is an amazing language non? Oh. I'm also an eternal procrastinator. I'll do things...just on my own time.

If there's two things I can't live without it's music and reading. It helps greatly to escape from the real world and hone my procrastination skills. I can't do anything about my homework while I'm hanging out in Narnia listening to Imagine Dragons can I?

Ah yes now for the très important part: writing. I write YA fantasy mostly, currently I'm writing something called The Lion's Roar. I'm hopeful that it will be my first ever completed novel. Though I've been taking writing seriously since I was seventeen, completing a novel has eluded me. I've written a lot of words but I haven't written a lot of words for a single novel.

Now for what to expect on the blog, I'm going to be blogging about pretty much any sort of writing topic that pops into my head. That could be anything from inspiration blocks to grammar issues. And since I'm nose deep in TLR (short from is handy isn't it?) that's going to be the main basis for examples.

Now make sure you don't get lost in the maze of creativity, and one last thing...shall I refill that tea for you?

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